James W. (Bill) Forman, Jr., P.E.
We lost our beloved “Bill” on September 30th 2023.
James W. Forman Jr. started Arendell Engineers as a veteran owner on October 13, 2014 in Morehead City.
He left his fingerprints all over this community! He will be remembered by many for his love for engineering and unmatched knowledge of the field.
We will leave his page up in memory as a pioneer in our company. He will be missed!
Mr. Forman was a founder of Arendell Engineers and had 36 years of civil, municipal and coastal engineering project experience for private, government and military clients. His experience included marina projects with over 6000 slips in both wet and dry storage facilities, dredging projects totaling over 12 million cubic yards and some $60 million in construction costs (including beach nourishment), and bulkhead projects with over 2 miles of vinyl, steel and concrete structures. Mr. Forman specialized in projects with waterfront components including urban waterfront redevelopment, marinas, waterfront parks, residential and commercial development, and redevelopment of industrial waterfronts.
Education: B.S.C.E./1976/Civil Engineering/North Carolina State University, M.S./1978/Civil Engineering & Marine Sciences/North Carolina State University
Registration: Professional Engineer North Carolina 1983, #10733, Commonwealth of Virginia 1995, #025876, South Carolina 2004, #23707
Project History
Projects for which Bill has been the project engineer include the following (click to expand project detail):
Project Engineer for combining treatment capacities from three existing wastewater treatment plants, master planning of collection and treatment systems including onsite effluent disposal, and design, permitting and construction administration for phases 1, 2 and 3 of low pressure sewer collection system to eventually serve all of Harkers Island.
Development of 79 lot subdivision including roads, waterline extensions, wastewater treatment and pressure sewer collection systems.
Completed environmental permitting and design for a 152’ extension of a timber public fishing pier. Provided bidding & negotiation and construction administration services for the Town.
Assisted with the development of a master plan for the Town of Morehead City’s waterfront. Worked with Town officials, business owners, and other interested parties to develop waterfront redevelopment plan.
Completed construction documents for phase 2 of the 40 single family lots Moss Landing project including low pressure sewer collection systems, and grading stormwater management and erosion control predesign and permitting.
Completed design and preparation of plans and specifications for rehabilitation of groin and timber pier and Town of Morehead municipal park and boat launching facility.
Completed design and preparation of plans and specifications for rehabilitation of existing concrete bulkhead and reinforced concrete cap replacement.
Completed design and preparation of plans and specifications for rehabilitation of timber dock and berth for commercial head boat.
Prepared plans and Contract Documents and provided construction administration services for roof replacement for three condominiums buildings with new single ply membrane roof and drainage systems with over 72,000 square feet.
Design and permitting of waterline extension to serve adjacent subdivision for Harkers Island Sanitary District.
Development of 28 lot subdivision including roads, waterline extensions, wastewater treatment and pressure sewer collection
Design, permitting and construction administration for 12,000 gpd MBR wastewater treatment plant and sewer lift station.
Redevelopment of downtown waterfront including rehabilitation of 2000 linear feet of bulkhead, construction of a waterfront promenade and marina for up to 116 slips.
Beach nourishment of beaches in the towns of Emerald Isle, Indian Beach and Pine Knoll Shores. Design permitting and construction administration for 4 projects completed between 2001 and 2007 with total 4.9 million cubic yards at costs of $38,000,000.
Design, permitting and construction administration of 3 projects completed between 2004 and 2006 constructing total of 12.7 miles of ocean front dune with 480,000 c.y. of sand from an approved upland borrow pit at a total cost of $6,050,000.
From March to May 2008 completed design, permitting and construction administration for multifaceted project that included removal of over 13,000 sand bags and beach nourishment of 885,000 c.y. from an offshore borrow area at a total cost of $8,400,000.
Completed design, permitting and construction administration for beach nourishment project followed by installation of 6 low profile steel sheet pile groins approximately 600 feet long with riprap toe protection. Beach nourishment included dredging and placement of 550,000 c.y. of sand from an offshore borrow area at a cost of $5,500,000.
Design and permitting of terminal groin at south end of Folly Beach for stabilization of south end of Corps of engineers beach nourishment project.
Design and construction administration for rehabilitation of 20 timber groins using reinforced shotcrete applied the timber surfaces.
Design, permitting and construction administration for dredging and placement of 315,000 c.y. of sand from an offshore borrow area at cost of $3,900,000.
Design, permitting and construction administration for dredging and placement of 150,000 c.y. of sand from an inlet borrow area and placed on beach at north end of island at cost of $700,000.
Design, permitting and construction administration for 187,000 gpd MBR treatment plant for reuse/reclaim quality effluent to serve 500 unit single family development.
Redevelopment project on 100 year old industrial planing mill site for multi-family residential development including storm water management, utilities and wastewater collection.
Permitting of 92 slip marina in Pamlico River including State SEPA coordination and major CAMA permitting.
Permitting of 1300 acre upland development and 200 slip marina in the Chowan River (Salmon Creek tributary) including Environmental Assessment.
Design of 1500 linear foot ocean outfall including horizontal directional drill for three 48 inch pipes and an alternate bid for direct burial installation of two 72 inch concrete pipes beneath active beach offshore to 25 ft. water depth.
Redevelopment of historic landing, boat yard and shell fish facility to 4-acre waterfront public access facility located on the East River including rowing training and competition facilities, preservation of historic resources and structures, permitting through VDOT, Mathews County, Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC), Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR), and design and construction administration services for upland development, piers and floating docks.
Development of marine industrial park including road and utilities for industrial park, seven mile sewer force main and lift station, waterline extensions, and lift station rehab.
Design, permitting and construction administration for 1900 feet of bulkhead and fixed dock rehabilitation including marina power and potable water system replacement, channel and harbor dredging with onsite confined disposal area material disposal.
Floating dock mooring system design and dock procurement.
Design and procurement of floating dock and floating breakwater replacement and design of floating dock pile mooring system.
Design, permitting and construction administration for phase 1 of Lockwood City Marina including heavy timber fixed piers, floating docks and pile mooring system and utility rehabilitation.